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2024 JIKS Primary Swimming Competition
  Joe Tafuro   |   등록일   2024-07-08   |   조회   521
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2024 JIKS Primary Swimming Competition

Wow! What an amazing event! Once again, students grade 1-6 competed in our annual swimming competition on July 5th 2024, and it was a splashing success! Students gathered at the JIKS swimming pool in their goggles and swim gear to show just how skilled they are at all styles of water racing. Freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly.

The first and second graders competed in 25-meter laps while third through sixth grade went all out in 50-meter races. The crowd of parents, teachers and fellow students cheered everyone on and showed support to every participant! Not everyone won a medal but every student showed determination and the drive to finish! All swimmers should be proud of themselves and the effort they showed! Give yourselves a round of applause.

Great job!

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