• 알림마당
  • 가정통신문 초등

2024 JIKS Swimming Competition Information
  Scott Thompson   |   등록일   2024-06-05   |   조회   173
We are thrilled to announce the JIKS Primary School Swimming Competition, set to take place on July 5th! This highly anticipated event will feature our talented students as they compete in various swimming categories, demonstrating their skills and sportsmanship. Detailed information on how to apply for the competition has been outlined in the accompanying letter. We encourage all interested students to review the application process and submit their entries promptly. Join us for an exciting day of races, cheering, and celebrating our young swimmers' achievements!
다음글   2024 카드뉴스로 만나는 JIKS 홍보단 모집 안내
이전글   2024 JIKS 초등과정 AI 활용 Charity Challenge 참가 신청 안내