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2024 English Speaking Competition!
  Scott Thompson   |   등록일   2024-05-03   |   조회   399
Step into the spotlight. Calling all enthusiastic speakers from grades 4, 5, and 6 to unleash their talent and charm on stage. Grade 4 participants will excel in the Story Telling and Presentation categories, while grades 5 and 6 will shine in Presentations, Storytelling, & News Broadcasting. Secure your spot by signing up before May 10, and prepare to captivate the audience from May 21-22. Bring a friend for dynamic duo performances (teams of 2 only), or go solo and leave your mark. Whether you're a captivating presenter, an amazing storyteller, or a future news anchor, this competition is your moment to sparkle. Don't let this opportunity pass by without showcasing your skills, earning acclaim, and forming bonds with fellow speakers. Join us and make your voice heard!
다음글   2024 Cambridge Assessment Exam Guidance
이전글   2024학년도 1학기 한자실력시험 실시 요강 안내