JIKS Education
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Main Projects
JIKS Education
Main Projects
Objectives of education
Background Knowledge

-The Advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution
-Building Creative Students by Improving Core Abilities
-Education in which Everyone Enjoys Learning and Grows Together, Creative Leaders who can Build a Bright Future
-Shift to Student-Centered Learning where Learning is an Enjoyable Experience

Global Leaders who Enjoy Learning
Core Abilities Needed in the Future

JIKS Educational Vision
Curriculum-Core Ability-oriented Curriculum-Education for Korean Cultural Identity-Arts and P.E. for Cooperation and Sensitivity-Student-centered Learning-Software and STEAM Classes for the 4th Industrial Revolution -
Students Questioning
and Discussing-Respecting Others-Questioning and Discussing-Aptitude-based Career Counselling-Improving Communication Skills-Autonomous Student Council -
Studying Together-Research and Practice-Open Classes and Reflection-Process-oriented Classes (including evaluation and recording)-Research Communities-Positive Guidance and Discipline -
Co-operating with
Parents and Building Trust-Parent Involvement and Participation-Parent Learning Center-Introduction to Curriculum-University Admissions Presentation-Monthly Parent Meeting